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Our courses
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This course is designed to help you understand and navigate the complexities of communication in a globalized world. Through interactive activities like case studies and role-playing, you will develop the skills to communicate effectively, adapt to different cultural settings, and handle conflicts with sensitivity and understanding.

This course extends from a micro to a macro perspective to explore the relationship between marketing and society and the impact of markets and marketing practices in our current world. It encompasses elements of business and consumer rights, sustainability, social marketing, critical marketing and consumer society.

This course offers a comprehensive exploration of the major psychological disorders found in adults. You will examine the impact of biological, psychological and environmental causes in these disorders, and the relevance of gender, race and culture in their treatment. Contemporary issues like stigmas and new treatment research will also be discussed for effective application in a modern clinical practice.

Hone your creative writing skills with this two-week course, which is designed to provide you with the literary tools, knowledge and practice to put your creative ideas to paper. You will focus on writing short stories and learn from an academic expert in literature and creative writing, who is also an accomplished short story writer and novelist.

Social issues such as the gender pay gap and slow change rate can be drawn back to the male dominance in the field of economics. This course aims to re-center these social problems to their economic roots through an introduction to basic economic theories in relation to gender. By the end of the course, you will understand how to incorporate economic concepts into discussions of gender inequality to support their arguments towards a fairer world.

Social innovation is an intentional, positive and creative shift in systemic social-ecological patterns. Business and organisations are increasingly being called upon to experiment and act for social benefit in this manner. This course will introduce you to social innovation and entrepreneurship theory in order to critique organisations and craft innovative strategies across fields.

The world of policy and politics, governance and government can be murky with seemingly transparent and tangled connections. This course allows you to understand how a critical analytic and descriptive framework can help understand who is involved in the policy process, how it operates, and ultimately leads to a discussion about who is accountable.

Negotiation and mediation are essential skills that, against common belief, can be studied and developed. By linking theory and practice, this course aims to increase your knowledge of negotiation and mediation theories and practical skills. Through core concepts like distributing value and active listening, alongside simulated practices, you will develop as effective negotiators and mediators.

Relevant, evidence-based policymaking is key to achieving significant and sustainable change and fulfilment of the Sustainable Development Goals. In this course, you will be introduced to the fundamentals of public policy analysis tools that are commonly used throughout the world.

This course provides an insight into the attitude and behaviour of all nine personality types of the Enneagram model, and the way each type manages their communication, work ethics, reaction to leadership and how they can further develop their personality. This knowledge will be life changing as it will help you deal with your own defence mechanism and patterns, and find a way to cooperate with the other personality types.

This course aims to, among others, identify new developments in the field of HRM, provide conceptual and practical frameworks for successfully managing people and teams in a global, cross-cultural context, and to develop the necessary insights and skills for international managers and professionals to operate successfully in a highly competitive, international context.

What does it matter what people speak when no one listens? How does listening relate to the world and society, and vice versa? This is a crucial question to understand in order to tackle many issues in all fields of life. This course will focus on the transdisciplinary inquiry of listening (what listening is) and its wider relation to society, through an exploration of the philosophy of listening and its application in psychology, neuroscience, anthropology, sociology and communication science.

The challenge of measuring market power and competition in digital markets has key policy implications. This course offers a comparative and inter-disciplinary perspective on regulating the platform economy. You will, among others, discuss the most recent legislative solutions in the European Union (the Digital Markets Act (DMA)), and its interplay with the Digital Services Act and the Data Act.

Wil je graag beter leren schrijven en jouw interviewvaardigheden verbeteren? Of droom je zelfs van een journalistieke carrière? Deze cursus is een mooie inleiding in effectief schrijven: van een pers- of nieuwsbericht, reportage, column, interview en wetenschapsjournalistiek tot het schrijven voor een website. De cursus is voor iedereen toegankelijk (van binnen én buiten de universiteit, jong en oud). Iedereen start op zijn eigen niveau.

Data analytics software such as the open-source programming environment R are becoming more popular. During this course, you will be introduced to three crucial aspects of data analytics in R through lectures and interactive, assignment-based tutorials: (i) basic objects and operations in R; (ii) control flow and programming in R; and (iii) working with data in R (management, analysis, and visualisation).

Managing your own knowledge has been a key success factor in many different disciplines. This course walks you through the basics of knowledge management such as creating nodes and synchronising across devices. Through the knowledge manager “Obsidian”, you will learn how to build a knowledge repository that will immediately expand your insight and capabilities across fields.

Data analytics software such as the open-source programming environment R are becoming more popular. During this course, you will be introduced to three crucial aspects of data analytics in R through lectures and interactive, assignment-based tutorials: (i) basic objects and operations in R; (ii) control flow and programming in R; and (iii) working with data in R (management, analysis, and visualisation).

This course provides an overview of the crescent field of consumer neuroscience and explores the applications of neurosciences in different fields, such as neuroeconomics and neuromarketing. At the end of the course, you will be able to properly understand the potential and limitations of these applications, and develop innovative ways of using neuroscientific techniques in different contexts.