About Maastricht Summer School
Maastricht Summer School (MSS) was founded in 2012 and offers courses in a variety of fields and disciplines. Our courses are geared towards students at undergraduate/bachelor level, graduate/master level and professionals.
Our mission is to offer education in the summer period that is complementary to the traditional educational tasks of the university. Maastricht Summer School increases accessibility of knowledge accumulated at the institute to anyone interested in it.
Maastricht Summer School experiences the special ambiance of teaching and attending classes in the summer: both students and professors are highly motivated, friends are made and of course the long summer days bring a smile to everyone’s face.
How to apply
1. Sign up (become an applicant) via DreamApply and create an account for yourself. You will receive an applicant code.
2. Log in with the received applicant code. Please keep this code in mind and write it down. You should also receive an e-mail with it.
3. Choose a course of your preference by clicking on ‘Find programmes’ on the left or by going to the ‘Courses’ page on this website. Once you have found a course you like, click on the ‘Apply now’ button.
4. Fill in the details. Do not forget to save your application every once in a while and pay attention that there are different tabs (profile, documents, etcetera).
5. Upload the required documents under the tab ‘Documents’.
6. After you have completed filling in the details, press ‘Submit’. When information is missing, you will see a notification. The tab(s) with missing information have a red exclamation mark behind the title of the tab. Please do not forget the task on the far left of the web page! Here you have to indicate which documents have been added and/or reasons why you did not add certain documents. We can only process your application after you have adjusted ALL tasks.
7. After submitting, you can still change your application. After making adjustments, please re-submit again so we can work with the most updated version of your application.
8. You will receive feedback from us on short notice.